Healing a 2 Year Old
Just wanted to update you...Lola slept from 845pm-445am....she hasn't had that much uninterrupted sleep in MONTHS! She usually wakes up every 3 hours or so...She was still splotchy all over this morning but splotches were pink instead of red and it appeared to be less severe...her face did not appear to be as puffy as on past days.
Great Progress and Definite Healing taking place!!!
Thank You and the Angels and The Universe and GOD!
This is an example of how I use Matrix Energetics for healing. My usual recommendation for complete healing is one regular session and then a monthly subscription. The subscription allows me to follow up every day and see what is left to heal and to work on those patterns. This is copied directly from my email and only changing my clients name for privacy purposes.
>>From: Brenda
>>Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2012 5:15 PM
>>To: iam@sundibright.com
>>Subject: Excema
>>Hello ...my 2yr old granddaughter suffers terribly from excema and allergies that also cause severe skin flare ups....is it possible for the EFT procedure to be done on a toddler via proxy and intention? We have tried everything possible and just want her scratching and itching to end. She has a beautiful and perfect spirit and little soul. Do you think EFT could help her? By the way...she had excema on her knees when she was born . Thank you...sending you love..light..and peace!
>>On Tue, Jul 10, 2012 7:50 PM CDT Sundi Bright wrote:
>>Hi Brenda,
>>Poor baby!
>>EFT definitely does work at a distance and especially with young children. I also do reconnective healing and matrix energetics and those modalities would be combined for ultimate healing.
>>In this particular situation, I would recommend a regular session, where I would spend 45 minutes working with her energy to do as much as can be done in one session. I would also recommend a monthly healing subscription, as I could take time each day to check in on her energy to see what else comes up because there are usually layers to these things. And if she was born with it, then she’s bringing it from a past life and that will have to be dealt with.
>>The regular session can be done over the phone with a parent (or grandparent), and while you tell me about her, I would work with the energy. I can also simply do it at a distance with just a bit of information about her… her name and where she lives.
>>I would love to work with her so let me know if you’d like to schedule the session.
>>In loving light R,
>>Sundi Bright
>>Life Coach & Alternative Healing Practitioner
>><https://www.the-secret-formula.com> www.the-secret-formula.com
>From: Brenda
>Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2012 7:25 AM
>To: iam@sundibright.com
>Subject: RE: Excema
>Hello...would these sessions relieve Lola of her allergy issues as well or just the excema ?
On Wed, Jul 11, 2012 9:27 AM CDT Sundi Bright wrote:
>That would certainly be the intention of the sessions. And the scan would find any underlying causes of these things whether it be emotional, physical or even past life or in-the-womb created.
>In loving light ,
>Sundi Bright
-----Original Message-----
From: Sundi Bright [mailto:iam@sundibright.com]
Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2012 2:37 PM
To: Brenda
Subject: RE: Eczema
Hi Brenda,
I just finished Lola's session and wanted to let you know my findings.
I start the session by looking in on her energy to see what shows up... or if I'm drawn to any particular place. Sometimes abnormalities show up in a pattern that is hard to describe or understand. I facilitate healing by scanning, detecting and correcting with the guidance of guides, angels and other spiritual helpers.
I was first drawn to Lola's hand where I saw what looked like the energy of another baby's hand superimposed in Lola's physical body. This can happen if there were another fetus in the womb at the time of conception. Sometimes there are twins or even triplets and the others get reabsorbed by the mother's uterus. I gently separated this excess energy field from Lola's energy sending it love and comfort as I got the impression it was not happy about not making it. This energy was carried off by angels to fulfill its purpose elsewhere.
I was then taken to the brow, where I was given instructions to tap on the eczema condition, which I did until I felt a shift.
I was also drawn to the thymus gland and to do balancing and also blood cleansing.
Heat showed up in part of her brain which was soothed with a mist of blue energy.
A solid mass of dark brown looking energy is showing up between the eyes, at the bridge of the nose and somewhat on the upper part of the nose. This is a very stuck energy and the word karma is showing as being associated with it. Although some of this started to dissolve, this is an area I would continue working with if you decide to go with a one-month subscription. If she has a runny nose for the next couple of days, this is why.
At this point, I started the actual level 4 scan. The endocrine system showed up and a need to balance the blood sugar, however, each time I came back to check after performing a blood sugar balancing technique, it didn't work, so I had to go deeper.
An auto immune allergy pattern showed up in relation to the pancreas and I was able to apply correction which solved the blood sugar problem as well.
A liver brain connection showed up as an issue and balancing was sent.
I was out of time at this point and feeling that this was enough for a little girl, although I didn't finish the scan.
I do recommend more healing work for her. Possibly even another session, but I prefer to be able to check on her every day for the next month which the subscription would allow me to do.
Please let me know what you notice different with her.
In loving light ,
Sundi Bright
Sent: Friday, July 13, 2012 5:51 AM
To: iam@sundibright.com
Subject: Lola Giddens
Hello...my yahoo email is on the fritz so this is my alternate....Just wanted to update you...Lola slept from 845pm-445am....she hasn't had that much uninterrupted sleep in MONTHS! She usually wakes up every 3 hours or so...She was still splotchy all over this morning but splotches were pink instead of red and it appeared to be less severe...her face did not appear to be as puffy as on past days.
Great Progress and Definite Healing taking place!!!
Thank You and the Angels and The Universe and GOD!
Love, Light & Gratitude,
<3 And I am so grateful to be able to be a faciliator of such healing <3.
Love & Light,

Sundi M. Bright
Helping to facilitate transformation by accessing the state of possibilities.
Certified Matrix Energetics Practitioner
Reconnective Healing & The Reconnection
EFT Cert-I Practitioner |