Step 5 Command the experience of your desire This may be a command or a preference, however, it really is NOT a wish or a hope. You determined what you want in step 3, and now you are to make the request. "I want", "I wish" or "I hope for" is not a request. I You are ENTITLED to have what you are asking for... there's nothing wishy washy about it.Assume its already yours and simply state your preference or choice in the matter. "Dear [God, Heavenly Father, Universe, Source Energy, or Higher Self], I choose to have [desire]", or "My preference is for [desire] in this situation. Please bring it to me in the highest and best way. Thank you." Calm, neutral and in command of your life experience! It may also be a question formed in a way that prompts the universe to act. "If I were to experience [desire], how would that happen (or what would that feel like)?" Or, "If today were to be an amazing and miraculous day, what would that be like?"I strongly recommend giving the universe lots of options to bring you what you want by asking for the essence of your desire... or how you want to feel. For example, if you want a large home on a hill, ask something like this: "If I were to feel expansive in my home, enjoying the beauty all around me, how would that happen?"The universe will have a lot of behind the scenes work to do to bring you those big requests, so be patient and optimistic and be on the lookout for signs of guidance from the universe. You are a co-creator in your experience and you have come here to share your gifts so you will be guided to action as to how to use those gifts to create your desire(s). Love & Light, Sundi M. Bright Psychic / Medium / Shaman / Law-of-Attraction Coach Helping to facilitate transformation by accessing the state of possibilities. Shamanic Healing Practitioner Certified Matrix Energetics Practitioner Certified Psychic / Medium EFT Cert-I Practitioner Certified Psychic Counselor CERTIFIED ANGEL INTUITIVE™ Certified Angel Card Reader™ Certified Realm Reader™ Reconnective Healing & The Reconnection Ordained Minister FREE eBook Name* Name* Email* Email* How to Transform Problems