Recession Proof Your Life
Would you like to know how to recession proof your life? Are you worried about what the recession means for you?
Are you concerned about losing your home, your car, or your job? Or have you already been affected?
The biggest problem with this world right now is the influx of negativity that is thrown in our faces every single day over the recession and the bad economy. To recession proof your life and turn this problem around, we as humans, need to turn our thinking around. The negative energy that's being created as a whole will only create more negatives, causing us to spiral deeper and deeper into a black hole if we don't start making significant changes NOW.
The law-of-attraction states that we attract to us situations that are vibrating at the same energy frequency that we are. Everything is energy including our emotions and feelings. Worry, fear and anxiety are at the bottom of the chart as far as vibrational frequency goes and so is a poor economy. As hard as it can be to be happy when we're worried, we must erase the worry and replace it with an abundance attracting state-of-mind. To recession proof YOUR life, this is a vital process.
The way that I do that is by setting aside time every single day to neutralize any negative emotions that I may be feeling about anything, raising my vibrations, and focusing on what I want (not what I don't want). And in spite of the recession, I continue to make a better and better life for myself and so can you!
I offer affordable healing / coaching sessions for individuals and groups all over the world, which can put you on a fast track to success and all the abundance you could ever imagine in every area of your life. For you do-it-yourselfers, I also offer a workbook that outlines The Secret Formula, allowing you to plug in your own situation and create your specific desired outcome whether it be a loving relationship, financial security and/or ultimate health and well-being.
Love & Light,
Sundi M. Bright
Abundance Coach
Alternative Healing Practitioner, specializing in EFT and The Reconnection |