Acne - Healing the Emotional Cause
Acne can be a real problem for your self-esteem, but it turns out that acne could very well be the result of low self esteem issues. As an alternative healing practitioner I am of the belief that most physical problems are the result of emotional issues. The good news is, there is a wonderful tool called EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) that you can use to clear up the emotional issues that cause abdominal cramps, therefore creating a healing of the physical issue.
Although EFT can be used on physical symptoms such as the acne itself, sometimes with astounding results, it works even better if you are aware of the emotional issue that is causing the acne. Most of the time we have no idea what the emotional cause of a physical issue is. It wasn't until I read a book by Louise L. Hay, called "You Can Heal Your Life", that I had some appropriate words that I could use in an EFT statement that made sense to my body for my own physical issues. In her book, she has a chart of many different physical problems, their probable emotional cause, and a new thought pattern that might be helpful in clearing up the issue. Although not mentioned in her book, EFT is a wonderful complement to this chart, making the process of instilling that new thought pattern a cinch! Mind you, I've used EFT for many different physical issues where the statement didn't really make a lot of sense to my conscious mind, but apparently it did to my subconscious mind and to my body because using EFT with the words provided in Louise L. Hay's book, I cleared up my physical issue and it is likely to clear up your acne. I have my own twist on using EFT for physical issues, and this is what it looked like:
Setup: Even though I may have this acne problem and it may be the result of not accepting the self and a dislike for myself (Hay's words in orange), I deeply and completely accept myself, realizing that I am a Divine expression of life and I love and accept myself where I am right now.
By the way, not accepting the self and a dislike for myself may remind you of something that is going on with you and you can also use that event in the setup phrase. If you're having this issue, feel free to be more specific in your setup phrase if you are so aware. If the phrase "I am a Divine expression of life and I love and accept myself where I am right now" feels uncomfortable to you, The Bright Future Workbook can be very beneficial to helping you learn the power of creating abundance in your life by using my special formula to create the trust and gratitude that attracts the things to you that you want in life.
“Delete” round of tapping: Eye Brow: “deleting this unacceptance and dislike for myself ", Side of Eye: "deleting the dislike ", Under Eye: "deleting any unacceptance and dislike for myself", Under Nose: "deleting the unacceptance of myself ", Chin: "deleting any emotional reasons for my acne", etc. on all the points, including the gamut, alternating with statements relating to the issue.
“Insert” round of tapping: EB: “I am a divine expression of life ", SE: "healing this acne", UE: "I love and accept myself where I am right now", UN: "healing this acne", CH: "inserting love and acceptance of where I am right now", etc. on all the points, including the gamut, alternating with statements that "insert" a feeling of well being.
If you are not familiar with EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), none of this will make sense to you. I hope you will take a few minutes to learn about a powerful procedure that can change your life in many ways. I also offer alternative healing sessions and abundance coaching utilizing EFT as a primary modality to healing the emotions that keep us stuck. Stuck in physical issues and stuck in a way that keeps us from fullfilling our dreams. I spent almost 40 years of my life "stuck" in many ways. And then I started using EFT and experienced a wonderful transformation in my own life. After many years of personal development studies, I put together a workbook that would allow me to get myself on a fast track to healing my issues and getting the things I want in my life. And the results have been miraculous! The Bright Future Workbook can help you do the same! It's a wonderful tool that I'm proud to share with you. I hope you'll take advantage of my many years of persistence in finding a formula that turned my life around in a short period of time, allowing me to leave a job that I hated and live life exactly as I always wanted.
Wishing you all the best,
Sundi M. Bright