Transformational Healing Form

Resistance Log Form

This form is meant to help you move through resistances

The Energy of Resistance

Resistance is something we experience when faced with a situation that we believe could lead to pain of some sort. 

However, when you resist, energetically speaking, you are boxing yourself into a certain experience, and cutting yourself off from an opportunity that can lead to growth, expansion, and ascension. 

Resistance can indicate an internal imbalance based on past trauma and your clue that healing is needed if you are to create a better experience. 

Recognizing and moving through resistance is essential to advancing along your path and opening the door to more fulfilling life experiences. It also creates alignment with your higher-self and a higher perspective that brings clarity. 

 For more detailed instructions, dowload my Resistance Log Instructions, along with the Resistance Log in dotx format, and Create-What-I-Want Form.

Resistance Log

Please note that all fields followed by an asterisk must be filled in.

Please enter the word that you see below.





Sundi M. Bright
Psychic / Medium / Shaman / Law-of-Attraction Coach

Helping to facilitate transformation by accessing the state of possibilities.

  • Shamanic Healing Practitioner
  • Certified Matrix Energetics Practitioner
  • Certified Psychic / Medium
  • EFT Cert-I Practitioner
  • Certified Psychic Counselor
  • Certified Angel Card Reader™
  • Certified Realm Reader™
  • Reconnective Healing & The Reconnection
  • Ordained Minister

the transformative reading


Matrix Energetics Logo certified psychic medium EFT certified International association of past life therapists Certified Angel Intuitive certified angel card reader realm reader certificate reconnective healing and the reconnection past life training ministry logo shaman