Transformational Healing Form

Follow-up Session Form

Completing this form continues the process of healing that leads to transformation

In a follow-up session, I will look for answers from spirit to any questions you have, do more work on new aspects of the original problem, or look for and send healing to any other patterns you may be curious about.

Provide as much information as you'd like in the Problem and Preference section and I will use that information to determine what to look for so as to troubleshoot your energy field.

Please note that all fields followed by an asterisk must be filled in.
Past Life / Contracts / Karma
Resistance to problem
Resistance to desire
Stuck Negative Energy
Obsessive/detrimental attachment to desire
Core Limiting Belief
Thought Processes
Time Travel Hits
Secondary Gain
Resisted Truth
Cords with others
Someone else's energy
I don't, please tune in offline and send me a report of the reading/healing.
Over the phone, I will call 949-295-6135 at your given time
Via Skype. I will connect with you at appointment time
In person, I am local to Loganville, GA and can come to your home office

Please enter the word that you see below.