Becoming aware of the subconscious patterns contributing to any problem can help you overcome it
Did you know that the extra fat stored in our bodies can actually have a different emotional cause depending on where your problem area is?
As a psychic healer that specializes in finding and healing the core cause of "problems" (whether physical, financial or in relationships), I have found that many physical problems have a contributing emotional cause and this is is a good example.
The good news is, by utilizing an effective tool called EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), you can clear up the emotional issues that are at the root of the problem, therefore conquering the first step in creating a slimmer you!
I know how frustrating it can be to be carrying extra fat in the physical body, but I have found that it simply means your beliefs and vibration are not in alignment with who you really are and the imbalance causes a physical issue designed to get your attention and correct your course.
And we get off course due to events we perceived in a way that created a limiting belief. And you’re not meant to be limited!
And so, in a session, I look for what that is, what incident initiated the creation of the stored fat, and where healing is needed. When you can see where you’re meant to be going and what gifts have been suppressed with the limited thinking, you have the opportunity to automatically shift out of that, and into a vibration that will create the satisfaction that results in weight loss and happiness in your life in general!
And I'd love to help you with that.
A standard healing session would also include a few more Matrix Energetics tricks I have up my sleeve to help you make the shift / transformation you're looking for.
To learn exactly what I do in a session to facilitate the healing of any excess fat / weight you're carrying and to understand your own inner process, I recommend getting my book at thetransformativereading.com. |
Although in my healing work I have found core causes can be very specific to the individual, the EFT statements below utilize Louise Hay's emotional interpretation of the physical problem and may help you. If the indicated emotional cause does not resonate with you, you likely have your own personal reasons for storing the fat and I can find those reasons in a standard healing session. My free eBook has lots of examples as to how such a session can help you.
EFT works best when you know the core emotional cause of a problem.
My free eBook not only teaches you the EFT technique, but also contains a secret method that will help you discover what the core emotioanl cause is.
In addition, it provides insights as to how imbalances in different aspects of your energy system as a whole can contribute to any dis-ease.
If you need help, I am here for you. In a transformative psychic reading / healing session, I will find and send healing to, the emotional cause of that stubborn fat, and any other factor that shows up as contributing to the problem. This will create positive transformation in some unexpected areas of your life as well!
"The morning after my session, I noticed my pants are MUCH looser in my thighs! I mean wow!!" (see entire testimonial)
Lauren, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
I have my own twist on using EFT for physical issues, and this is what it would look like for the following issues:
Fat (in general)Setup: Even though I may be carrying some extra weight and it may be the result of oversensitivity, fear, a need for protection, a cover for hidden anger and/or a resistence to forgive(Hay's words in orange), I deeply and completely accept myself, and realize that I am protected by Divine Love, I am always safe and secure, I am willing to grow up and take responsibility for my own life, I forgive others, and I am now safe to create my own life the way I want it. By the way, an "oversensitivity, fear, a need for protection, a cover for hidden anger and/or a resistence to forgive" may remind you of something that is going on with you and you can also use your own words in the setup phrase if they make more sense. If the phrase "I am protected by Divine Love, I am always safe and secure, I am willing to grow up and take responsibility for my own life, I forgive others, and I am now safe to create my own life the way I want it" feels uncomfortable to you, it may take more persistence in making this statement feel right before you see results. “Delete” round of tapping: Eye Brow: “deleting this oversensitivity", Side of Eye: "deleting the need to protect myself ", Under Eye: "deleting any hidden anger ", Under Nose: "deleting this resistence to forgive ", Chin: "deleting any emotional reasons for my extra weight", etc. on all the points, including the gamut, alternating with statements relating to the issue. “Insert” round of tapping: EB: “inserting realization that I am protected by Divine Love ", SE: "healing these fears ", UE: "inserting feelings of safety", UN: "I am safe ", CH: "I am taking responsibility for my own life ", CB: "I forgive others", etc. on all the points, including the gamut, alternating with statements that "insert" a feeling of well being. Fat - ArmsEven though my arms are fat and it might be the result of anger at being denied love, I deeply and completely accept myself and realize it is safe for me to create all the love I want. Tap on "anger at being denied love". Delete Tapping: this anger at being denied love Fat - BellyEven though my belly is fat and it might be caused by anger at being denied nourishment, I deeply and completely accept myself and choose to nourish myself with spiritual food. Delete Tapping: this anger at being denied nourishment (Just a note regarding this one... I recently did a session with someone who was feeling unfulfilled... she's supported by her partner, doesn't work and has to answer to him regarding the money she spends. Although not mentioned at first, she also had extra fat around her belly. In the session, past life and previous traumas were found to have created a "stuckness" that kept her from moving forward toward anything that would create an income for her. The session not only shifted that, it verified a career path she was thinking of taking is right for her, shifted the energy around the defiance she felt about having to ask for and explain expenditures, but also resulted in lost inches around the stomach area.) Fat - HipsEven though my hips are fat and it might be the result of lumps of stubborn anger at my parents , I deeply and completely accept and forgive myself and the past, realizing it is safe for me to go beyond my parents' limitations. Delete Tapping: this stubborn anger at my parents Fat - ThighsEven though my thighs are fat and it might be the result of packed childhood anger and rage at my father, I deeply and completely accept myself, see my father as a loveless child and forgive him easily freeing us both.
Delete Tapping: this packed childhood anger and rage at my father |
To determine if there are other factors contributing to this issue, a distance healing session is recommended. In a healing session, I can find the other patterns that have caused the problem, look for other contributing history, and send healing to those patterns in addition to sending healing to the physical issue itself. The result is that you may see other issues transform in one session as well.
"I have contacted Sundi for a few different issues. Feeling stuck with extra weight, with a specific concern about extra weight in my chest. Many women go through these feelings. After getting healing done, Sundi really helped changed my outlook towards the positive regarding my body. I am still working through concerns in my chest area, but my extra weight has fallen off, it is now stable and I am overall happy and do not look at food with helplessness anymore.
Doing these sessions while being a breastfeeding mother, one of the most positive benefits I have seen about energy healing in my chest has been a noticeable increase in the milk needed for my child. I know many women struggle with feeding their child. Either the breastfeeding relationship or needing enough milk to continue feeding the baby. This was not a request of any of my sessions with Sundi but it was a super exciting outcome! I noticed it after EACH time I talked with her.
Overall, I would say to try a session with her. There is noticeable change. To me, you can either pay a lot for multiple sessions with a therapist, or a session with Sundi. Sundi is the next best thing to a therapist/great listener/asking the right questions, with an additional benefit of energy healing. To me, this can't be beat and I recommend it to the very close people in my life!"
—R.K., Washington D.C. Area
As a life coach and psychic healing practitioner, I am able to detect the emotional (and otherwise) patterns that have caused the extra weight and send healing to each and every pattern that shows up. In addition, if the cause is emotional, it is helpful to know where that emotion comes from.
For example, when clairvoyantly viewing the causes of weight gain in one client, I saw an image of her hair growing and then her drinking something. In talking to her about this, she remembered that she had done an Iron Fusion procedure and that she had noticed her hair growing very quickly during this procedure. She also remembered that she started gaining weight at about the same time. In another session to transform fat in the area of the thighs, I discovered that my client had a twin, and yet her sister had be reabsorbed in the womb. Although she was not aware of this, there were indicators that her spirit was still around and wanted acknowledgment. My client, without knowing why, had been interested in twins, Gemini, bought things in pairs, etc.
What is so cool and so awesome and why I love this work is that these patterns can be manipulated energetically and the ultimate result is transformation in so many areas of your life! There is a reason why you experience physical issues such as this and when those reasons are healed, it's amazing how other aspects of your life are healed as well! |
Neutralizing negative emotions and healing the emotional cause of any problem is the first step in transforming it. Please see my Services page to learn of the many ways I might be able to assist you on your journey.
If you'd help in learning the emotional cause of your excess fat and to start transforming your fat problem, I recommend a Psychic Healing Session and you can purchase and schedule your session directly at schedulesundibright.com. To learn exactly what I do in a session to facilitate the healing of any excess fat and to understand your own inner process, get my book!
I would love to assist you on your journey.
Love & Light,
Sundi M. Bright Helping to facilitate transformation by accessing the state of possibilities.