Clear Negative Emotions

Clear Negative Emotions

Step 1 of The Secret Formula is to clear your negative emotions

Clear Negative Emotions

The first step in being in alignment to receive all that you want in life, is to clear negative emotions.  You must clear your negative emotions as a first step in attracting good things into your life.

Negativity includes the negative emotions you experience on a daily basis such as boredom, frustration, anger, resentment, fear and anxiety.  These emotions hold you away from the good life you desire.

These negative emotions are “blocks”.  They are literal blocks to getting what you want.  Once clear of these negative emotions, you’re able to see more clearly. You're better able to know what you want and how to get it.

You CAN clear these negative emotions and you can do it on daily basis and you can do it quickly and easily! When you "feel better", you actually attract great things into your life. The better you feel, the better the things you attract.

With the right tools, you can easily achieve this 1st step in manifesting exactly what you want!

The #1 tool that I use to clear negative emotions is EFT - Emotional Freedom Techniques.

As you clear the negative emotions you experience on a daily basis, you will find that your life expands the deeper you go.

You can also use EFT to eliminate bad habits, addictions and cravings. 

The more of these negatives you clear in your life, the more of an abundance magnet you become!

But there's more! When you learn to make a habit of 6 simple steps, you transform your world!

Neutralizing negative emotions and healing the emotional cause of any problem is the first step in transforming it. Please see my Services page to learn of the many ways I might be able to assist you on your journey.

By learning how 6 simple steps can transform your life, you will learn that you do create your life and what to do to create your life the way you want it to be!

Love & Light,

Sundi M. Bright
Psychic / Medium / Shaman / Law-of-Attraction Coach

Helping to facilitate transformation by accessing the state of possibilities.

  • Shamanic Healing Practitioner
  • Certified Matrix Energetics Practitioner
  • Certified Psychic / Medium
  • EFT Cert-I Practitioner
  • Certified Psychic Counselor
  • Certified Angel Card Reader™
  • Certified Realm Reader™
  • Reconnective Healing & The Reconnection
  • Ordained Minister

the transformative reading


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