Body Odor - Healing the Emotional Cause Did you know that body odor can actually have an emotional cause? As a clairvoyant healing practitioner and transformation specialist, I have found that many physical problems have a contributing emotional cause and this is is a good example. By utilizing an effective tool called EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), you can clear up the emotional issues that are at the root of the problem, therefore conquering the first step in healing the physical issue. The EFT statements below utilize Louise Hay's emotional interpretation of the physical problem and may help you. EFT works best when you know the core emotional cause of your particular problem. My free eBook not only teaches you the EFT technique, but also contains a secret method that will help you discover what the core emotional cause is. In addition, it provides insights as to how imbalances in different aspects of your energy system as a whole can contribute to any dis-ease. Now onto some EFT statements that may help you clear the emotional cause of the body odor. I have my own twist on using EFT for physical issues, and this is what it looked like: Setup: Even though I may have this body order and it may be the result of fear, dislike of the self and fear of others (Hay's words in orange), I deeply and completely love and approve of myself and realize I am safe. By the way, fear, dislike of the self and fear of others may remind you of something that is going on with you and you can also use your own words in the setup phrase if they make more sense. “Delete” round of tapping: Eye Brow: “deleting this fear", Side of Eye: "deleting this dislike of myself ", Under Eye: "clearing this fear of others", Under Nose: "deleting this fear", Chin: "deleting any emotional reasons for my body odor ", etc. on all the points, including the gamut, alternating with statements relating to the issue. Note that with so many complex aspects related to a body odor problem, you might find more success doing a delete round of tapping for each emotional aspect. For example, one round of tapping on each point repeating "this fear". One round for "this dislike of myself ", etc. And I would rate the SUDS level before moving onto the next emotional aspect. AFTER all aspects have been cleared and you've experienced a substantial shift in your emotions toward a higher vibrating state of being, then move onto the insert round of tapping. In addition, "dislike of the self" is usually a deep-seated problem possibly related to childhood trauma or other bad experiences. It can sometimes require outside assistance to help you get to the core of your issue. When you can get to the core of your issue, you can experience an even greater healing of any body odor and the emotional issues that go along with it by tapping on the core issue. “Insert” round of tapping: EB: “inserting love and approval of myself", SE: "inserting feelings of safety ", UE: "I am safe with other people", UN: "the world is a safe place", CH: "inserting love and approval of myself", etc. on all the points, including the gamut, alternating with statements that "insert" a feeling of well being. If you need help, I am here for you. In a clairvoyant reading / healing session, I will clairvoyantly look for the emotional cause the body odor, and any other factor that contributes to the problem. This will create positive transformation in some unexpected areas of your life as well! My free eBook provides examples of what I look for in a session and how finding and sending healing to these patterns can change your life. What is so cool and so awesome and why I love this work is that these patterns can be manipulated energetically and the ultimate result is transformation in so many areas of your life! There is a reason why you experience physical issues such as this and when those reasons are healed, it's amazing how other aspects of your life are healed as well! If you'd like to start transforming your body odor and your life, I'd love to assist. Neutralizing negative emotions and healing the emotional cause of any problem is the first step in transforming it. Please see my Services page to learn of the many ways I might be able to assist you on your journey. I would love to assist you on your journey. Feel free to email me if you have any questions. Love & Light, Sundi M. Bright Psychic / Medium / Shaman / Law-of-Attraction Coach Helping to facilitate transformation by accessing the state of possibilities. Shamanic Healing Practitioner Certified Matrix Energetics Practitioner Certified Psychic / Medium EFT Cert-I Practitioner Certified Psychic Counselor CERTIFIED ANGEL INTUITIVE™ Certified Angel Card Reader™ Certified Realm Reader™ Reconnective Healing & The Reconnection Ordained Minister FREE eBook Name* Name* Email* Email* How to Transform Problems